Major Gift Fundraisers – The Purity of Our Motives explores the high-calling of our office and the purity of our motives.
I hope you’ll read this following note slowly and allow it to affect you. Your consideration of what I’m about to share could change you and bring you into a place of great leadership within our industry becoming the person our movement so desperately needs.
Like you, I’m privileged to receive calls from friends who reach out to “check in” and see how I’m doing. I’m always moved by a person who takes their personal time to let me know they care. I’m not sure that there’s a greater gift in life than those moments when someone selflessly celebrates another. From time-to-time, I pay them the highest honor I know. My response to their kindness goes something like this,
“John…thanks pal…you’re such a good development officer”
Unfortunately, all too often John or others reply,
“Jimmy, I’m not doing development…I’m calling because you’re my friend.”
It makes me wince. You see, the implication is that attached to development is something nefarious. I suppose, what’s ultimately being called into question, is “motive”.
A wise man once shared with me the following the axiom.
“The only difference between a good business man and a good con man is…INTENT.”
Unless you ground yourself in the truth of who you are you’ll perceive donor cultivation as method, as sales, as moves management, or even worse…MANIPULATION…
…When nothing could be further than the truth.
If you’re reading this…you’re my hero…you get up every day and give your life to a cause that is greater than yourself. None of this would be possible without leaders like you who have discovered…THE HIGH-CALL OF BEING A FUNDRAISER
So please take a minute to allow me to share with you the truths I’ve internalized over the years that released me into my vocation. Thanks for hearing my heart on this.
“Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving.”
– Hank Rosso
“Never underestimate the power of a small, dedicated group of people to change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
“There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life — happiness, freedom, and peace of mind — are always attained by giving them to someone else.”
– Peyton March
“Complete possession is proved only by giving. All you are unable to give possesses you.”
– Andre Gide
“We must be careful as we administer this generous gift for the glory of the Lord”
– Paul the Apostle
“As a fundraiser the call on my life is to divest people of their wealth. For it is always in one’s best interest to give their self away.”
– Jimmy LaRose
“Never apologize for boldly inviting a person to give to a cause that is greater than themselves.”
– Jimmy LaRose
“The river of philanthropy is deep & wide and there will always be generous people who will amply support a great dream when backed by a sound plan.”
– Jimmy LaRose
“Fundraising is simply, finding a need and meeting it, making a promise and keeping it.”
– Jimmy LaRose
In closing, tuccessful major gift fundraising is made possible by the “honest broker,” an individual who puts the needs of the donor to give before his desire to get. Remember, your your vocation changes our world.
Major Gift Fundraisers – The Purity of Our Motives was first posted at MGRU News
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